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British Escort Carrier HMS Begum

British Escort Carrier HMS Begum D38

Launched on 11 November 1942, HMS Begum was a Ruler-class escort carrier of the British Royal Navy during World War Two. Acquired from the US Navy under the lend-lease agreement, Begum was commissioned on 22 July 1943. Her maiden voyage to the UK occurred in December 1943, after which she spent until late February 1944 undergoing defect repairs and modifications to Royal Navy standards.

From June to December 1945, HMS Begum operated in a anti-submarine and trade protection role, based out of Colombo. Returning to the UK in January 1945, Begum underwent a refit for conversion to a ferry carrier. In this role, she returned to the far east, arriving in April 1945.

HMS Begum was returned to the US Navy and was converted for merchant use.


Photos of HMS Begum

Aircraft Operations

Grumman Avenger

Grumman Wildcat