Aichi M6A Seiran Floatplane
The Aichi M6A Seiran (Clear Sky Storm) was an attack floatplane of the Imperial Japanese Navy during the Second World War. It was designed to operated from the I-400 class submarines for attacks on the United States. Each submarine was capable of carrying three M6A1 floatplanes.
On 23 July 1945 the I-400 and I-401 each with three M6A1s on board departed for an attack on the US fleet at Ulithi Atoll. To ensure a surprise attack the aircraft were painted with US markings. However, the war ended before the submarines reached their launch position. To avoid the aircraft falling into enemy hands while painted in US colours, they were jettisoned overboard.
A total of 28 Seirans were produced including two M6A1-K Nanzan land based trainer completed.