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Arado Ar 196 in Finnish Service

Arado Ar 196 in Finnish Service

During the Second World War Finland loaned three Arado Ar 196 floatplanes from Germany. Although operated by Finland, they retained their German markings and codes (GA+DO an A-2, A3+AC and A3+BC both A-3s).

In 1943 Finland ordered a further 12 Ar 196A-3s, all of which went into service with Lentorykmentti 5, allocated to TLe.Lv.12 and TLe.Lv.14 (No. 12 and No. 14 Reconnaissance squadron). These were later upgraded to the Ar 196A-5 standard during the Continuation War. Additionally, they were fitted with extra shackles to hold up to four 100kg bombs. A popular field modification with TLe.Lv.12 was the removal of the 7.92m MG 17 cowling machine gun in favour of the 12.7mm LKk/42.

The three loaned Arado 196 floatplanes were returned to Germany in September 1944 after hostiles with the Soviet Union came to an end while the purchased models continued to serve until the end of the war.