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Arado Ar 196 of 1.KuFlGr706 possibly A-2 GA+DA

Arado Ar 196 Floatplanes of Küstenfliegergruppe 706

Arado Ar 196 Floatplanes of Küstenfliegergruppe 706

Küstenfliegergruppe 706 (Coastal Aviation Group) was formed on 1 July 1937 equipped with the Heinkel He 60. 1./Kü.Fl.Gr.706 was based at Nest, while the second Staffel 2./Kü.Fl.Gr.706 was based at Kamp.

From 15 June 1940 until September 1942, 1./Kü.Fl.Gr.706 was based at Aalborg-See, now equipped with Heinkel He 59, Heinkel He 115 and Arado Ar 196 floatplanes. Operations were moved to Thisted when icy conditions made Aalborg unsuitable.

In September 1942 1./Kü.Fl.Gr.706 moved to Stavanger where it stayed until the unit was renamed Seeaufklärungsgruppe 130 on 13 July 1943.

Arado Ar 196A-2

Arado Ar 196A-3