Barraba Silo Art

Barraba Silo Art Water Diviner

Barraba Silo Art – The Water Diviner

Painted by Fintan Magee, the Barraba silo art depicts a water diviner, representing the constant search for water in the Australian bush. A water diviner is someone who searches for water using either two metal rods, or as depicted here, two sticks. Barraba is a small town 99 kilometres north of Tamworth, New South Wales. We drove through the town because it was on our way to Tamworth from Sawn Rocks.

To view the silo, do not take the Old Manilla access road into the silos, as this will only allow you to see the unpainted rear. The silos are still operating, so there is no access. Instead, stop in the parking area on the Manilla Road, which provides excellent views of the art. Parking is provided on both sides of the road, so you do not need to cross the road to stop.

An interesting piece of artwork, with easy access and great viewing spot provided.

Fintan Magee also participated in the Newcastle Street Art Big Picture Festival 2020.

Barraba Silo Art
Barraba Silo Art

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2 responses to “Barraba Silo Art Water Diviner”

  1. heavenliner Avatar


  2. Philip Edwards Avatar


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