Bulgandry Aboriginal Art Site
The Bulgandry Aboriginal Art Site is in Brisbane Waters National Park and is not far from Kariong It is very close to the Gosford Glyphs and a 20 minute drive from Somersby Falls. From Sydney you drive north along the M1 to Gosford.

Site Access
Access to the site is well sign posted and there is a small car park. A short dirt road leads to the site. A short walking track then leads through bush land to the Bulgandry Aboriginal Art Site. This tack has information boards detailing the plants and animals that make the area their home adding more interest to an enjoyable walk.

A small fence and boardwalk protect the artwork. This enables you to get close without walking on the art work and causing damage. The main carving is of a man with a headdress, thought to be an ancestral hero. There are also carvings of a wallabies, fish and a dolphin.

Being part of Brisbane Water National Park, here is a daily fee (currently $8.00) to access the area.
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