Carrington Hydraulic Pump House

Carrington Hydraulic Pump House

Located in the Newcastle suburb of Carrington, the hydraulic pump house is currently undergoing a multi-million dollar refurbishment. Fortunately, the front of the building has been completed, which means you are able to enjoy this historic building even as works are underway.

Parking is available in Bourke St, just past the entrance to the Newcastle Port Corporation entrance, which is very convenient.

Completed in 1878, the pump house provided hydraulic and later electrical power for cranes loading ships with coal. Decommissioned after the introduction of conveyor loading technology in the late 1960’s the building fell into disrepair. With its internal machinery removed and attendant cranes demolished, it lay abandoned until the current refurbishment.

Decorating the forecourt is a giant blueprint of the pumping systems originally installed here. A large section of concrete has been painted blue, with the design etched into it. This unique design added more interest to our visit because we were not expecting it.

Blueprint Design in the Forecourt of the Pump House
Blueprint Design in the Forecourt of the Pump House

This was a fun and easy place to visit and will be even better once the current work is finished.

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2 responses to “Carrington Hydraulic Pump House”

  1. Theresa [Hey, Traveler] Avatar

    Love that big blueprint! Can you walk on it?

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Yes, you can walk on the blueprint, it forms part of the pavement at the fron of the building.

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