Category: Central West
Dubbo New South Wales Australia
Dubbo New South Wales Located in the central west of New South Wales, Dubbo was our first main stop during our road trip. A five hour car trip from Sydney, or a three and a half hour trip from our home in Singleton, stops along the way are needed. The first European settlement was established… Read more
Old Bank Restaurant and Bar Dubbo
Old Bank Restaurant and Bar Dubbo Looking for somewhere to have dinner in Dubbo, we found the Old Bank Restaurant not far from our hotel. Located in Macquarie Street, and completed in 1876 the building operated as a bank until 1921. From then it passed through several owners including the RSL, council and police, before… Read more
Dubbo to Tamworth Road Trip
Dubbo to Tamworth Road Trip We planned a road trip to take us from our home town of Singleton to Dubbo, Gunnedah and Tamworth. Along the way we planned to stop at several other places and see what else there was to see. During the trip we passed through several towns we visited before but… Read more