Category: Central West
Baan Baa Cricket Club Grandstand
Baan Baa Cricket Club Grandstand Driving between Gunnedah and Narrabri on the Kamilaroi Highway we passed the small town of Baan Baa. Like most Australian towns it has a cricket club and oval, but what made us stop was its grandstand. Originally a Leyland Titan double-decker bus, this repurposed vehicle now serves as the club’s… Read more
Mudgee Central West NSW
Mudgee Central West NSW Frog Rock Before arriving at Mudgee in the Central West of NSW, we stopped at Frog Rock to take a quick photo of this unusual rock that looks like a giant frog. Interesting for a quick stop and photo. Its also easy to find as it is well signposted. Mudgee Regional… Read more
Bathurst New South Wales We drove to Bathurst New South Wales from Lithgow, after visiting the Abercrombie Caves The main reason for our visit was to see the National Motor Racing Museum at Mount Panorama. While in the town, we took the opportunity to look around and experience what the town had to offer. We… Read more