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Narrabri Paul Wild Observatory

Antenna No. 2

Narrabri Paul Wild Observatory

Operated by the CSIRO and located 25 km west of Narrabri in north-west New South Wales, the Paul Wild Observatory is an array of six 22 metre antennas used for radio astronomy. This was an unexpected highlight of our trip to the north-west, because we were not aware it existed until we arrived in Narrabri.

Visitors must put mobile phones into flight mode and switch off Bluetooth devices because the can overwhelm the weak signal the telescopes are detecting.

The Visitor Centre

This modern visitors’ centre has excellent displays showing the layout of the radio telescopes and information boards. These displays are interesting because they explain how the array works.

The Antennas

Five of the six telescopes run on a rail track outside the centre, so you should always be able to see them. The sixth one is too far away to see. During our visit five were close, so we were able to photographs them all at once. Antenna number 2 was sitting right next to the car park, so we were able to see it in detail.

Paul Wild Memorial

A sundial memorial to Paul Wild sits near the car park, as a tribute to his career in radio astronomy.

Dr John Paul Wild was a British-born Australian scientist. Following service in World War II as a radar officer in the Royal Navy, he became a radio astronomer in Australia for the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, the fore-runner of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). In the 1950s and 1960s he made discoveries based on radio observations of the Sun. During the late 1960s and early 1970s his team built and operated the world’s first solar radio-spectrographs and subsequently the Culgoora radio-heliograph which is now named after him.

In 1972 Paul Wild invented Interscan, a standard microwave landing system. From 1978 to 1985 he was chairman of the CSIRO, during which time he expanded the organisation’s scope and directed its restructuring. He retired from the CSIRO in 1986 to lead the Very Fast Train Joint Venture, a private sector project that sought to build a high-speed railway between Melbourne and Sydney. Lack of support from government brought it to an end in 1991. In his later years he worked on gravitational theory.

Paul Wild Memorial Narrabri Paul Wild Observatory
Paul Wild Memorial

Outside Displays

Several old telescopes are on display, including one of the heliograph antennas, which you will see at the entrance.

What Did We Think?

Not only do you see the huge antennas up close, but it is a fun learning experience on how radio astronomy works. A great place to visit if you are in the area.

Barraba Silo Art Water Diviner

Barraba Silo Art

Barraba Silo Art – The Water Diviner

Painted by Fintan Magee, the Barraba silo art depicts a water diviner, representing the constant search for water in the Australian bush. A water diviner is someone who searches for water using either two metal rods, or as depicted here, two sticks. Barraba is a small town 99 kilometres north of Tamworth, New South Wales. We drove through the town because it was on our way to Tamworth from Sawn Rocks.

To view the silo, do not take the Old Manilla access road into the silos, as this will only allow you to see the unpainted rear. The silos are still operating, so there is no access. Instead, stop in the parking area on the Manilla Road, which provides excellent views of the art. Parking is provided on both sides of the road, so you do not need to cross the road to stop.

An interesting piece of artwork, with easy access and great viewing spot provided.

Fintan Magee also participated in the Newcastle Street Art Big Picture Festival 2020.

Barraba Silo Art
Barraba Silo Art

To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.

Sawn Rocks Mount Kaputar National Park

The Cliff Face From the Viewing Platform

Sawn Rocks Mount Kaputar National Park

Getting There

Located around 40 km north east of Narrabri, Sawn Rocks is a geological formation of columnar basalt which resembles organ pipes. As part of the Mount Kaputar National Park, the area is managed by NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, which ensures it is managed correctly.

The road from Narrabri is fully sealed and was in very good condition when we visited.

Car Park

Designed for travellers, the car park has lots of space, so there is room for caravans to easily park. For somewhere so far from a town, the facilities are excellent, making it a great place to stop and relax. Next to the car park is a composting toilet. On the opposite side is a picnic area with sunshades and gas barbecues, which were in excellent condition.

There is a series of information boards explaining the formation of Sawn Rocks, as well as other things to do in the area.

Walking Track

The track from the car park to the viewing area only takes around 15 minutes to walk, but remember to take water. Winding through the bush, it is either paved with bitumen, or is a metal walkway, which makes the walk easy.

Sawn Rocks Viewing Platform

On reaching the viewing platform you look directly at the cliff face which is perfect for taking photos.

Creek Bed

A short walk down from the viewing platform gets you to the creek bed. There is a path cut into the rocks to form a stairway, makes for and easy descent. The base of the cliff is littered with fallen boulders, so be careful of you footing and wear good walking shoes.

You get a different perspective of the formation from here because you can look up at the cliff. Even the boulders on the ground are interesting, as they show the piping of the rocks and how they have a cross sectional polygon.

This was a great place to visit, with an easy well maintained track, amazing views and great facilities.