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Category: Australia

  • The Gantry

    The Gantry
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    The Gantry Originally the location of a timber mill, jetty and loading derrick, The Gantry at Bawley Point only has a few reminders of its industrial past. The sawmill burnt down in 1922 and the original jetty was swept away in a storm in 2016. Designed at a fishing spot, the current structure is not… Read more

  • Gosford Glyphs Petroglyphs or Hieroglyphics

    Gosford Glyphs Petroglyphs or Hieroglyphics
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    Gosford Glyphs The Gosford Glyphs (also called petroglyphs) are located near Kariong not far from Gosford on the New South Wales Central Coast. They can be found using Google Maps, which will take you to a small car park on the side of the road. From here it is an easy walk to the glyphs. … Read more

  • Hawkesbury River Postman Boat Cruise

    Hawkesbury River Postman Boat Cruise
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    Hawkesbury River Postman Boat Cruise The Hawkesbury River Postman provides passengers with a fantastic view of the river as he does his rounds. Starting at the Brooklyn public wharf, it is very easy to get to via the M1 motorway just north of Sydney. What to Expect As the boat does it’s rounds, you are… Read more