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Sharks Australian Museum

Tiger Shark

Sharks at the Australian Museum

Running until January 2023, the Sharks Exhibition at the Australian Museum is a fascinating display detailing everything you would want to know about sharks. From their origins and evolution, to their interactions with humans and the threats to their future, this is a very educational exhibition.

The Displays

Most of the displays have been taken from the museum’s collection, unlike other recent special exhibits which have been sourced internationally. All of the shark models were life-size, which was great because it lets us see how big they really are.

On entering, you are greeted with a prehistoric megalodon jaw, giving you an idea of the size of the largest shark to ever live. Next to this is a model of Helicoprion, with its unusual circular teeth that look like a circular saw.

Once past the prehistoric section, we got to see a range of modern sharks, from the grey nurse and Port Jackson sharks to the dangerous great white and tiger sharks. The largest model was an 8m whale shark (they can grow to 14m).

This was a fun and educational visit and families with kids should love it, with its interactive displays and realistic life-size models.

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Walter Burley Griffin Incinerator

Walter Burley Griffin Incinerator

Walter Burley Griffin Incinerator

Built in 1934 the Walter Burley Griffin Incinerator was originally the Willoughby Municipal Incinerator. Its purpose was to dispose of Willoughby Council’s municipal waste rather than dumping it at the tip. As the name suggests, Walter Burley Griffin designed the building, the same architect responsible for the winning design of the city Canberra in the ACT.

Designed to use the Australian designed and patented Reverberatory Refuse Incinerator, it was very efficient for its time. Essentially, it used and inclined vibrating conveyor to move waste from the feed to the furnace. As the conveyor moved, waste was heated using excess furnace heat generated from the burning waste. This dried the incoming feed, making it more efficient to burn.

Over time, council neglected the incinerator, failing to upgrade its capacity as waste volumes grew until it closed in 1967.

In 2011 the Willoughby Incinerator re-opened to operate as an art space and artist studios on the lower section, while a café operates at street level. Run by Willoughby Council, the art space and studios present a diverse range of exhibitions each year.

We had a coffee at the café and then had a look through the gallery. As well as the art, the building interior was interesting, because of the industrial architecture still visible. Unfortunatley, much has been removed, but some still remains.

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Katoomba Cultural Centre

Katoomba Cultural Centre

Katoomba Cultural Centre

Located in the centre of Katoomba the Blue Mountains Cultural Centre contains the Blue Mountains City Art Gallery and Into the Blue which is an interactive exhibition that explores the history and natural landscape of the Blue Mountains. Also housed in the building, is the Katoomba Library.

Into the Blue

Into the Blue is an interactive exhibition which explains the history of the Blue Mountains. Not only does it detail indigenous and European history, but it explains the geological history of the area. This details how the mountains formed and how weather and rivers have sculpted the landscape to become what it is today.

Native animals and plants are described along with the impact development has had on their populations. The importance of the World Heritage listing is explained along with how this is protecting this beautiful and unique environment.

Blue Mountains City Art Gallery

Vicky Brown

This was a fun and interesting exhibit, as most of the parts were moving. Those suspended from the roof were free to move, while on the floor, mobile pieces built on robot vacuum cleaners knocked into them. We found this exhibition to be happily different and well presented.

Adrienne Richards

The works by Adrienne Richards was a more traditional exhibit, with some lovely ceramics and drawings. A series of ceramic plates were on one wall, with paintings of invertebrates were in glass cases.

Katoomba Cultural Centre

Located outside the art gallery, a viewing platform gives views over Katoomba and the Jamison Valley. The gallery has placed a sculpture here.

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