Category: Palace
Driving Tour of Ireland The Emerald Isle
How did We Get There? Our eight-day driving tour of Ireland was the first stage of a 35 day trip to Europe and was a amazing place to start. We flew into Ireland from Sydney with British Airways, via Singapore and London making it a long tiring trip, The arrival time was 7:30 am so… Read more
How To Get There The train to Luxembourg leaves from Brussels Central hourly and takes about three hours fifteen minutes. Tickets are purchased on the day of travel from the ticket office and cost us 25 Euros each. The staff were friendly and told us what times the train was leaving and from which platform.… Read more
30 Day European Tour
Our 30 day European tour included eight countries. Travel between cities was mostly by train, although we needed plane flights for two of the legs. There was a combination of self guided and organised tours, depending on our ability to reach the destinations we wanted. To view each destination, click on the links below. Paris… Read more