Ruins at the Main Settlement

Coal Mines Historical Site Tasmania

Coal Mines Historical Site

The location of Tasmania’s first operational mine, the Coal Mines Historical Site, is now part of a World Heritage listed site where the ruins form a reminder of the past. Interpretive signs throughout the site not only describe the buildings use, but provide an insight into life there, by describing the lives of individual convicts.

With the discovery of coal in the area in 1833 mining commenced, producing coal locally, rather than import it from New South Wales. Serving as a place of punishment for repeat offending convicts from Port Arthur, the mine operated for 40 years before closing.

The Site

Two entrances to the site allow access to either the main settlement, or the old mine shaft. Walking tracks connect the two areas, so it doesn’t matter which you go to if you intend walking. Entry to the site is free. We chose the main settlement to start at, because it has excellent introductory signs and toilet facilities. The larger ruins are also located here, so if you only want to see them and not the entire site, this is the place to start.

As you can see from the photos, the majority of the buildings have been damaged by bushfires, the weather and vandals over the last 150 years. The remaining walls are still interesting to see, as they stand on a small rise overlooking bushland.

Walking from the main settlement, we passed the military barracks and commanding officer’s quarters. From here, the track steepens as you walk uphill to the signal station, where we could not see any remains.

Our last stop was the main shaft, which was surrounded by a fence. This was a large depression maybe 10m deep and 20m across, but the shaft itself it filled in, so there was nothing to see.

What Did We Think?

The sandstone ruins are imposing, standing as they do on a small hill. We enjoyed looking around and reading the interpretive sign, while taking photos. The walking track winds through bushland, which was enjoyable to walk through. Although the main shaft was a disappointment, the rest of the area was very good and worth seeing.

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3 responses to “Coal Mines Historical Site Tasmania”

  1. 100 Country Trek Avatar

    I grew up in a Coal Mine Town Dad was a miner. Love to see this historic site in Tasmania.

    1. Destinations Avatar

      We have also lived in mining towns and find it fascinating to wander around these old places

      1. 100 Country Trek Avatar


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