Our news

  • Dragonfly Men White Rabbit Gallery Ultimo Sydney Asutralia

    White Rabbit Gallery Ultimo Sydney

    White Rabbit Gallery is a great little gallery in the heart of Sydney. Specialising in contemporary Chinese art its three floors are full of amazing works from paintings and sculptures to surrealist works. Entrance is free and with a cafe on site, specialising in Chinese teas and dumplings, there are refreshments available once you finish…


  • Sand Spit Fingal Bay Port Stephens Australia

    Fingal Bay and Port Stephens Lighthouse

    Fingal Bay Located in Port Stephens near Newcastle Fingal Bay is a quiet town catering to the tourists interested in the beach and surroundings. Our reason for visiting was to walk across the sand spit from the mainland to Shark Island. This spit is submerged at high tide, so we chose two hours before low…


  • Mare and Foal Sculpture Scone NSW Australia

    Scone New South Wales Hunter Valley

    Scone Scone is 280km north of Sydney in the Upper Hunter Valley.  Famous for its horse breeding and agriculture, Scone has many historic buildings, making it s beautiful town to visit. Scone Visitor Information and Elizabeth Park Located on Kelly Street, the Visitor Information Centre and Elizabeth Park are a great place to start your…