Pump House

Goulburn Waterworks

Goulburn Waterworks

Located at Marsden Weir on the Wollondilly River, Goulburn Waterworks is another great attraction to visit in Goulburn. One of four pump-houses built at the same time, the Goulburn Waterworks is the only one with its original pumps. Unfortunately, the other three were sold for scrap

Intending to simply walk around the beautiful building, a volunteer was there, who took us through the interior. Not only is the original pump still there, but it is fully functioning. Lovingly restored and maintained by a group of volunteers, the pump looks brand new.

Built in 1883, the Appleby beam pump moved water from the Wollondilly River to a holding tank where it was around Goulburn. This enabled the town to expand, because previously a consistent water supply was not available. In time, demand outstripped the pump’s capacity newer technology replaced it. Fortunately, it avoided scrapping and we can still see it today.

Located in another section of the building is a Hick Hargreaves horizontal engine. This type of engine was a successor to the beam engine as they are more efficient and able to produce significantly more power on a smaller design. Although not originally part of the waterworks, it was still interesting to see.

The electric pumps that replaced the beam engine remain on site, so we were able to see them as well. Located in a sump, enclosed and painted grey they do not have the elegance of the original.

This was a fun visit, especially as were did not expect to go inside and see the pumping machinery.

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4 responses to “Goulburn Waterworks”

  1. Rebecca Cuningham Avatar

    I love the look of old machines!

    1. Destinations Avatar

      It’s great that they were saved and are now maintained in working condition

  2. markbierman Avatar

    They really made an effort to make even the most utilitarian buildings aesthetically pleasing back then.

    1. Destinations Avatar

      You’re right. Compared to some of today’s efforts, they are works of art

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