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Looking into the Green Cathedral

Green Cathedral

Green Cathedral

Located on the eastern shore of Wallis Lake in Tiona, on the mid-north coast of New South Wales, the Green Cathedral, is a unique outdoor church. Part of the Community of Christ, this is a place of worship, so it is important to remain respectful when visiting.

A small carpark off the main road makes access to the church safe. The church itself is located only a short walk behind the carpark.

Surrounded by palm trees and with pews made from tree trunks, this really is a unique church. Sitting on the pews and looking at the alter, the backdrop is a view over Wallis Lake. Overall, this is a beautiful and very tranquil place and an interesting stop when in the area.

If you are interesting in a coffee or snack after your visit, the caravan park just up the road offers both.

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