Richmond Bridge

Historic Richmond Tasmania

Richmond Tasmania

Established as an important military staging post and convict station linking Hobart with Port Arthur, Richmond is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Tasmania. With over 50 historic buildings, most dating from the 1820s it’s a stark reminder of Tasmania’s convict past.

Located only 20 minutes from Hobart Airport, we chose to visit on our last day, because our flight didn’t leave until the afternoon. This gave us the morning to walk around and explore the village. First stop was the bakery, where we had a great breakfast and coffee.

Richmond Bridge

Built in 1825 to enable the military, police and convicts easier movement to Port Arthur the historic Richmond Bridge is the oldest bridge still in use in Australia. Parking nearby we must have been the first visitors for the day, because the local ducks gathered around us expecting food. Unfortunately for them, we did not come prepared to feed ducks.

Richmond Gaol

Built in 1825, the gaol is the oldest in Australia and this well preserved site is interesting to walk around. With the interior s of the buildings still intact, it shows how the gaol operated until its closure in 1928.

Information boards in each room describe its function and how guards and convicts were treated. In one room, a mantrap used to catch escaped convicts shows how brutal the times were.

Other Buildings in Town

Walking around the village took us past many old Georgian sandstone buildings. Many of them have been converted to cafés, craft boutiques and museums, giving them new life.

What Did We Think

Finding such a well preserved village dating from the 1920s is rare, because many old buildings end up being replaced. We loved Richmond and it was a great place to finish our Tasmanian hiliday.

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