Aichi D1A Japanese Dive Bomber
The Aichi D1A was a biplane dive bomber operated by the Imperial Japanese Navy from 1935 until 1941 (1942 in second-line units). Code named Susie by the Allies, the D1A was designed by Heinkel and based on the He 50. Operating in the Second Sino-Japanese War, they had been retired by the time of the attack on Pearl Harbour.
Two versions were manufactured, 162 D1A1 powered by a Nakajima Kotobuki 2 Kai 1 radial engine and 482 D1A2 powered by a more powerful Nakajima Hikari 1 radial engine, and a NACA engine cowling, wheel spats, and improved windscreens.
A small number were operated by the Manchukuo Imperial Navy for coastal patrol duties.
Photographs of the Aichi D1A Dive Bomber
Aichi D1A1 Prototype

Aichi D1A1

Aichi D1A2

Aichi D1A1 in Manchukuo Coast Guard Service