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Ambrosini SAI.107

Ambrosini SAI.107 Italian Fighter

Ambrosini SAI.107

The Ambrosini SAI.107 was developed from the Ambrosini SAI.7 racing and sporting monoplane.

The first of three prototypes was completed and flown in the Autumn of 1940. Weighing only 1,000 kg (2,205 lb) the SAI.107 reached a speed of 563 km/h (350 mph) in trials held at the Guidonia research establishment and manoeuvrability proved to be excellent. The SAI.107 was lost, along with pilot Arturo Ferrarin, in a crash on 18 July 1941.

Two more fighter prototypes were built as SAI.207s, flying for the first time in the spring of 1941 and 1942.