Boeing B-29 Superfortress Nose Art
A Broad With 11 Yanks
Boeing B-29 Superfortress s/n 42-24698, of the 73BW/499BG/877BS, Abroad with 11 Yanks. Tail code V 08. Missing in action from Izumi. 26 April 1944.

Adam’s Eve
Boeing B-29 Superfortress s/n 42-24600, of the 73BW/500BG/883BS, Adam’s Eve. Rammed and then crashed in Kugayama 3-Chome, Suginami-Ku, Tokyo April 7 1945.

Bainbridge Belle
Boeing B-29 Superfortress Bainbridge Belle s/n 42-63525 of the 482nd Bomb Squadron, 505th Bombardment Group, 313th Bombardment Wing based on North Field, Tinian in 1945.

Bedroom Eyes
Boeing B-29 Superfortress s/n 42-24610, of the 73BW/498BG/874BS, Bedroom Eyes. Lost at
Osaka, circumstances unknown March 12 1945.

Boeing’s Boner
Boeing B-29 Superfortress s/n 45-21761 Boeing’s Boner. Built as a B-29A and converted to an F-13A

Butterfly Baby
Boeing B-29 Superfortress s/n 44-61854, Butterfly Baby, of the 91st SRW, 91st SRS

Constant Nymph
Boeing B-29 Superfortress s/n 42-63487, of the 73BW/500BG/882BS, Constant Nymph.

Coral Queen
Boeing B-29 Superfortress s/n 42-24615,of the 73BW/497BG/869BS, Coral Queen. Ditched in the vicinity of Iwo Jima 17 April 1945.

Double Exposure
Boeing B-29 Superfortress s/n 42-93855 (F-13A) Double Exposure initially allocated to the 1st Photo Reconnaissance Squadron. Later reallocated to the 311PRW/3PRS. Crash landed near Agana. Guam on 5/23/45. Repaired and allocated to Flight C, 1 PRS, Morotai Nov 25 1945.

Dragon Lady
Boeing B-29-55-BW Superfortress s/n 44-69663 Dragon Lady of the 58BW/468BG/793BS.

Dream Girl

Fast Company
Boeing B-29 Superfortress s/n 42-63495 Fast Company, of the 73BW/499BG/877BS.

Fast Company
Boeing B-29 Superfortress of the 40BG 45BS

Fickle Finger

Flyin’ Scot

Flying Stud II
Boeing B-29 Superfortress s/n 42-24464 Flying Stud II, of the 58BW/444BG.

Forbidden Fruit
Boeing B-29-40-BW Superfortress s/n 42-24607 Forbidden Fruit, of the 73BW/498BG/875BS.

Frisco Nannie
Boeing B-29 Superfortress s/n 42-93889 Frisco Nannie, 73BW/500BG/882BS.

Gallopin Goose
Boeing B-29 Superfortress s/n 42-6390 Gallopin’ Goose, of the 58BW/468BG. On 7 Dec 1944 it was rammed at Mukden by a Japanese fighter flown by Sgt Shinobu Ikeda, after being hit by fire from two B-29s. The fighter hit the left horizontal and vertical stabilizers. Gallopin’ Goose, went straight down.

Good Deal
Boeing B-29 Superfortress s/n 42-24852 Good Deal. Delivered to the USAAF November 8, 1944 and assigned to the 39th Bomb Squadron, 6th Bomb Group. It crashed into the ocean about forty-five minutes after takeoff from Tinian, northern Mariana Islands, on the 12 February 1945 mission. Crew members of other aircraft in the formation observed the plane lose No. 4 engine and a fire break out on the starboard side. They also saw the ship explode as it struck the water.

Haley’s Comet
Boeing B-29 Superfortress s/n 42-24616 Haley’s Comet, of the 73BW/497BG/870BS. On January 9 1945 it had an out-of-control crash landing. Repaired the aircraft returned to duty.
On January 27 1945 Haley’s Comet was the subject of heavy fighter attack. During the bomb run fire was seen coming out of 616’s bomb bay. It made sharp left turn toward northern Honshu, not reported since. A Japanese report stated that it crashed at Ishino, Shisui Town, Inba County, Chiba Prefecture. Nine crew were killed in action and two taken prisoners of war, both of which survived the war.

Heavenly Body
Boeing B-29 Superfortress s/n42-6281 Heavenly Body,of the 58BW/40BG was later renamed 20th Century Unlimited. On the 25th of October 1944 the crew bailed out over Laohokow after suffering flak damage at Omura.