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Boeing XB-38

Boeing XB-38 Bomber Prototype

Boeing XB-38 Bomber Prototype

The Boeing B-38 was a bomber prototype to investigate if the Allison V-1710 V type engine could be substituted for the standard Wright R-1820 radial engine. A standard B-17E was modified by Vega with the B-38 first flying on 19 May 1943.

Testing discovered that the maximum speed was 327mph, significantly higher than the B-17. However the service ceiling was lower at 29,600 feet. On its ninth flight June 16, 1943 the right inboard engine caught fire, forcing the crew to bail out. The aircraft was destroyed in the crash and the program terminated. Despite the promising test data, the Allison V-1710 was required for other aircraft such as the Lockheed P-38 Lightning, Bell P-39 Airacobra, Curtiss P-40 Warhawk, North American P-51A Mustang, and Bell P-63 Kingcobra.