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Boeing XPBB-1 Sea Ranger February 1943

Boeing XPBB-1 Sea Ranger Flying Boat Prototype

Boeing XPBB-1 Sea Ranger Flying Boat Prototype

Built for the United States Navy, the Boeing XPBB-1 Sea Ranger was a prototype twin-engined flying boat patrol bomber. First flying on 9 July 1942, the Sea Ranger handled well and was considered successful. However, the ability of long-range land-based patrol bombers such as the Consolidated PB4Y to perform the same duties, led to the cancellation of the program. Production capacity planned for the PBB was allocated to the Boeing B-29 Superfortress.

The only prototype was handed over to the US Navy who used it for trials until 1947 when it was scrapped.

On Land

On the Water

In the Air

Internal Detail