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Romanian Air Force Bristol Blenheim Mk.I

Bristol Blenheim in Romanian Service

Bristol Blenheim in Romanian Service

The Romanian Government ordered 34 Bristol Blenheim Mk.I bombers for the Royal Romanian Air Force, all of which were delivered by November 1939. When Romania joined the Axis powers, spare parts became difficult to obtain, but this was relieved slightly with the delivery of three ex-Yugoslav machines and spare parts in 1941.

Romanian Blenheims participated in Operation Barbarossa in June 1941, but by early 1942, only 13 were serviceable. After being withdrawn to rest, this number increased to 27. They remained in service until the coup although attrition significantly reduced their numbers. After the coup, Romania used three Blenheims for reconnaissance work, although their poor condition resulted in them being withdrawn and used as transports.