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British Escort Carrier HMS Atheling

British Escort Carrier HMS Atheling D51

HMS Atheling was a Ruler-class escort carrier (US Bogue-class) of the British Royal Navy operated under Lend-Lease from the US during the Second World War. Launched on 7 September 1942 and commissioned on 28 October 1943, Atheling arrived in the UK on 9 January 1944.

Transferred to the Eastern Fleet, HMS Atheling operated as an aircraft transport and deck landing trainer. From December 1944 to September 1945, Atheling was loaned to the US Navy as an aircraft transport in the Pacific.

Converted to a troopship, Atheling made several trips repatriating ex-prisoners of war and returning military personnel and civilians. Returned to US control on 6 December 1946, she was converted to a merchantman and sold into civilian use.


Photos of HMS Atheling

Aircraft Operations

Fairey Barracuda

Grumman Hellcat

Grumman Wildcat

Supermarine Seafire

Vought Corsair