British Operated Heinkel He-111
Following combat with a Spitfire of No. 602 Squadron on 9 February 1940 Heinkel He 111H-1 1H+EN Wk.Nr 6353 of II. KG 26 made an emergency landing in a field in the vicinity of North Berwick, East Lothian, Scotland. Repaired by the RAF, it was tested at Duxford before being assigned to 1426 Flt and assigned the Air Ministry registration AW177. Here it was used to familiarize pilots with the Heinkel He 111 in combat.
Unfortunately on 10 November 1943 it crashed while avoiding another aircraft while landing, killing 7 of 11 on board.

An additional Heinkel He 111, 5J -CR of III./KG4 was captured in Libya 1942 and subsequently used No. 260 Squadron RAF, who painted it with RAF roundels and the unit code letters HS-? The squadron used it to fly supplies, beer and other necessities from Alexandria to their bases in Libya. In December 1942, now named Delta Lily, it was passed on to 211 Group where is was used for transport duties.