German Floatplane Arado Ar 196
The Arado Ar 196 was designed to an October 1936 RLM request for a Heinkel He 114 reconnaissance floatplane replacement. The four prototypes ordered were delivered in the summer of 1937. The V1 and V2 had twin floats, while the V3 and V4 had a single central floats and two outrigger floats. Comparative trials demonstrated that both versions had excellent water handling qualities. However, it was felt that in rough seas there was a possibility that the outrigger floats of the V3/V4 could dig in, causing damage to the aircraft. A further V5 prototype was ordered to study the final twin float configuration.
Ten Ar 196A-0s pre-production aircraft were delivered for ship trials in November and December 1938. Five B-0s (single central float versions) were delivered at the same time for shore-based trials. These were the only B-0 floatplanes ordered.
Production of the A-1 version commenced June 1939, which were used to equip the Kriegsmarine surface fleet. Including prototypes, a total of 541 were produced of all types, including approximately 100 from the SNCA and Fokker plants.
- Arado Ar 196 V-1 to V5 Prototypes
- Arado Ar 196A-0
- Arado Ar 196A-1
- Arado Ar 196A-2
- Arado Ar 196A-3
- Arado Ar 196A-4
- Arado Ar 196A-5
- Arado Ar 196B-0
German Units
- Bordfliegergruppe 196
- FliegerErganzungsGruppe
- Küstenfliegergruppe 706
- Küstenfliegergruppe 906
- Lehrgeschwader 2
- Seeaufklärungsgruppe 125
- Seeaufklärungsgruppe 126
- Seeaufklärungsgruppe 128
- Seenotstaffel 5
- Kampfgeschwader 100 (KG 100)
- Kampfgeschwader 200 (KG 200)
Arado Ar 196 Floatplanes Serving Aboard German Ships
- Admiral Graf Spee
- Admiral Hipper
- Admiral Sheer
- Bismarck
- Blucher
- Gneisenau
- Komet
- Konigsberg
- Prinz Eugen
- Scharnhorst
- Tirpitz
- Wider
Other Operators
- Bulgaria
- Finland
- In French Markings (German Operated)
- In Japanese Markings (German Operated)
- Norway
- Romania
- Soviet Union
- Sweden
- United Kingdom
- United States
Miscellaneous Photographs of Arado Ar 196 Floatplanes
Kampfgeschwader 100 (KG 100)

Kampfgeschwader 200 (KG 200)

Under Construction

Interior Photos

Detailed Exterior Photos