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A Grumman Avenger leaving the flight deck of HMS Fencer

Grumman Avenger in British Service

Grumman Avenger in British Service

Initially called the Tarpon when in British Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm service, the Grumman Avenger was renamed along with other US Navy aircraft to adopt US names for American built aircraft.

The first 402 Grumman TBF-1s delivered were designated Tarpon GR.I (later changed to Avenger), 334 General Motors built TBM-1s were called the Avenger Mk II, and 334 TBM-3 were designated the Mk III.

Royal Navy Avengers took part in the Battle of the Atlantic, operating from escort carriers. In the Arctic they escorted convoys to Russia. Avengers also laid mines off the Norwegian coast ana participated in the D-Day landings under RAF control.

In the Far East, FAA Avengers attacked the oil refineries in Sumatra, which significantly curtailed the production of oil for the Japanese military. They also undertook raids on Sakishima Gunto and Formosa and on the Japanese home islands at the end of the war.

Three Avengers were modified to carry the Highball “bouncing bomb” (given the new codename Tammany Hall), but when trials were unsuccessful, they were returned to standard configuration and passed to the Royal Navy.

One hundred USN TBM-3Es were supplied to the Fleet Air Arm in 1953 under the US Mutual Defense Assistance Program. The Avengers were fitted with British equipment by Scottish Aviation and delivered as the Avenger AS.4 to several FAA squadrons including No. 767, 814, 815, 820 and 824. The aircraft were replaced from 1954 by Fairey Gannets.

One Avenger was modified to test in flight the British-designed Frazer Nash F.N.95 remotely-controlled barbette intended for use on the Fairey Spearfish

Grumman Avengers Based on Royal Navy Aircraft and Escort Carriers

Grumman Avengers Assigned to Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Squadrons

Grumman Avengers Based at Naval Air Stations

HMS Ameer

HMS Ameer operated the Grumman Avengers of 845 NAS from July to December 1945. During this time Ameer undertook anti-submarine and convoy escort duties in the Indian Ocean.

HMS Arbiter

The Avengers of 853 NAS embarked on Arbiter on 31 May 1944 for passage to the UK. 853 NAS had been formed and training in the US. On reaching the UK, the squadron was transferred to HMS Formidable in June 1944.

HMS Biter

HMS Begum

HMS Begum operated the ten Grumman Avengers of 832 NAS from 26 May 1944 which were used to provide cover for allied shipping.

HMS Bulwark

HMS Chaser

NAS 845 embarked on HMS Chaser after a working up period in the US which ended in Late April 1943. The squadron provided anti-submarine protection for a UK bound convoy and then disembarked at RNAS Hatston (HMS Sparrowhawk) on 6 July 1943. Avengers were later transported by Chaser as deck cargo and numerous others were carried when she was a replenishment carrier.

HMS Emperor

HMS Emperor operated the Avengers of 845 NAS during April 1945 for Operation Sunfish, which photographed Port Swettenham, Malaya and a flew a strike against the port of Emmahaven, Sumatra. In May a detachment from 851 squadron was embarked and took part in the search for the Japanese heavy cruiser Haguro and the destroyer Kamikaze. As the cruiser was sunk by a force of British destroyers, no strikes were called for.

HMS Empress

HMS Empress embarked the Avengers of 850 NAS for deck landing training and later for her maiden voyage to the UK.

HMS Empress operated the Grumman Avengers of 845 NAS from February to March 1945 and again from May to June 1945.

HMS Fencer

HMS Fencer operated a detachment of four Grumman Avengers of 852 NAS for an operation codenamed Tenable off Norway to sown aerial mines. The operation from 27 September was cancelled due to poor weather and the Avengers disembarked on 7 October.

A repeat of the operation codenamed Lycidas commenced on 13 October, with Fencer again operating a detachment of four of 852’s Avengers. This operation was successful with mines being sown to hamper German coastal shipping. The Avengers disembarked after the ship arrived back at Scapa Flow on the 17th October.

HMS Formidable

HMS Formidable operated the Grumman Avengers of 848 NAS from 16 September1944 until 24 August 1945. In April 1945, the squadron attacked airfields in the Sakishima Gunto followed by attacks on Formosa. Formidable was hit by several kamikaze attacks and retired to Australia for repairs and was preparing for attacks on the Japanese home islands when Japan surrendered. The aircraft were left in Australian and the squadron disbanded with the end of the war.

HMS Illustrious

The Grumman Avengers of 832 and 845 NAS joined HMS Illustrious in May 1945 and undertook raids on the oil refinery and harbour at Soerabaya, Java. 832 was on board from the 3rd to the 25th of May. 845 was embarked from the 3rd to the 27th of May.

From the 1st of December 1944 until the 18th of May 1945, 854 NAS was embarked on Illustrious. Attacks were undertaken on targets throughout Sumatra from December 1944 and January 1945. March and April saw attacks on the Sakishima Gunto.

HMS Implacable

HMS Implacable operated the Grumman Avengers of 828 NAS from the 13th of March 1945 until the end of the war. The squadron undertook raids on Truk and the Caroline Islands and later the Japanese home islands. The Avengers were dumped at sea in April 1946 to comply with the terms of the Lend Lease agreement.

HMS Indefatigable

HMS Indefatigable operated the Grumman Avengers of 820 NAS from the 21st of November 1944 primarily in the Pacific. The Avengers were used to attack the oil refineries at Palembang, Sumatra in January 1945 as part of Operation Meridian, and later for strikes on the Sakashima Gunto islands. As the war in the Pacific moved closer to Japan 820 Squadron was assigned to the 7th Carrier Air Group, and carried out a number of raids on Tokyo prior to VJ-Day. After the end of the war, Indefatigable remained in the Pacific for some time, finally returning to the UK in March 1946. 820 Squadron was then disbanded.

HMS Indomitable

On the 27th of November 1944, the Avengers of 857 NAS were embarked on HMS Indomitable. The Avengers were used to attack targets in Sumatra including Belawan Deli, Pangkalan Brandan and Palembang. Attacks then moved on to Sakashima Gunto and Formosa. With the end of the war, the Avengers were left in Australia and the squadron disbanded on the 30th of November 1945.

HMS Nabob

From February to August 1944, HMS Nabob operated the Avengers of 852 NAS. In early August 1944, Nabob took part in Operation Offspring, the laying of mines off the Norwegain coast using the Avengers.

On the 18th of August, Nabob embarked an additional three Avengers of 856 Squadron for Operation Goodwood, an attack on Tirpitz. The Avengers were planned to drop aerial mines near the battleship and at the entrance to the fjord. However, low cloud at the target area, canceled this part of the attack.

On the return trip, Nabob was torpedoed and badly damaged. On returning to Scapa Flow, it was determined that she was beyond economical repair, was laid up and returned to US control.

HMS Premier

Avengers of 856 NAS operated from HMS Premier from 13 September 1944 until June 1945. During this time they undertook aerial mining in the waters off Norway, shipping strikes and escorted a convoy to Russia. For the shipping strikes, Premier received an additional 5 Avengers from Trumpeter‘s 846 Squadron in early December 1944. These five Avengers returned to Trumpeter after the strikes were completed.

HMS Puncher

HMS Puncher did not have any Avengers permanently assigned to her. However, she ferried some as deck cargo on her second ferry run from the US to UK August 30 to September 15 1944. On November 5th and 6th 1944 the ship’s catapult and arrestor systems were tested in a programme which saw two aircraft from 778 squadron Service Trials unit at RNAS Arbroath carry out a series of launches and deck landings, 7 by an Avenger and 12 by a Barracuda.

HMS Queen

HMS Queen ferried the Avengers of 855 NAS to the UK from 6 to 31 May 1944. On 27 January 1945, Queen embarked 853 NAS, which then operated off the Norwegian coast and undertook Arctic convoy duty.

HMS Ravager

Ravager embarked the Avengers of 846 NAS on 2 July 1943. After a workup period, they accompanied Ravager on her maiden Atlantic crossing before disembarking at RNAS Machrihanish on the 27th of July.

Ravager then acted as a deck landing training carrier, often hosting Avengers.

HMS Ruler

In May 1944, HMS Ruler transported a deck cargo of Avengers and Hellcats from the US to the UK. In December 1944, Ruler operated 885 NAS with Avenger and Hellcat aircraft in preparation for operations in the Pacific.

HMS Ruler 21 Jan 1945 with snow covered Fairey Fireflies and Grumman Avengers
HMS Ruler 21 Jan 1945 with snow covered Fairey Fireflies and Grumman Avengers

HMS Shah

HMS Shah embarked 851 NAS on 14 January 1944 and transported to RNAS Cochin in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) arriving on 23 February. After completing workup and deck landing training, Shah was allocated to anti-submarine patrol duty commencing on 16 June 1944. This was followed by trade protection sweeps around Colombo and Cochin in July.

In early August 1944, HMS Shah took part in the search for the German U-boat U-198. It was caught on the surface by one of the Avengers and depth charged as it crashed-dived. Although damaged, it managed to submerge, but was later sunk by British and Indian warships.

HMS Shah continued anti-submarine sweeps and deck landing training with the Avengers of 851 until February 8, 1945 when she headed for Durban for a refit. On returning to the Indian Ocean, Shah and 851 Squadron’s Avengers took part in the re-occupation of Rangoon and then the search for the Japanese heavy cruiser Haguro. During the search for the cruiser, (May 10-16, 1945), Shah suffered a fuel contamination and her Avengers were flown off to HMS Emperor to take part in the operation.

A detachment of Avengers from 845 NAS joined Shah ion the 27th of May 1945 for anti-submarine duties. these four aircraft were joined by the rest of 845 Squadron on 17 July, along with 851 which had remained on board. Plans to attack Penang were cancelled following the Japanese surrender.

HMS Smiter

HMS Smiter transported the Grumman Avengers of 856 NAS from the US to the UK in June 1944. While undertaking Deck Landing Training Duties from December 21st 1944 to May 23rd 1945, Avengers of 769 NAS operated from HMS Shah undertaking training.

Grumman Avenger whose engine failed on leaving HMS Smiter during the operations against Sakishima in support of the American landing on Okinawa
Grumman Avenger whose engine failed on leaving HMS Smiter during the operations against Sakishima in support of the American landing on Okinawa

HMS Tracker

HMS Tracker embarked 846 NAS on the 4th of January 1944. After a workup period Tracker was used for convoy escort duties. While escorting convoy RA58 from Murmansk to Loch Ewe, U-288 was sunk by aircraft from Tracker and HMS Activity.

During the D-Day landings in France, Tracker and the Avengers of 846 NAS were part of the covering force that undertook anti-submarine sweeps of the Western Approaches to prevent U-boats entering the English Channel. Tracker was damaged in a collision with HMCS Teme and underwent repairs that lasted until September.

On the completion of repairs, Tracker embarked 853 NAS which operated a mix of Wildcats and Avengers. The ship then escorted a convoy to Russia and a return convoy to the UK from October 21 to 9 November 1944. 853 was disembarked at this time as Tracker was being lent to the US navy as a transport in the Pacific.

HMS Trumpeter

HMS Trumpeter embarked the Avengers and Wildcats of 846 NAS on the 5th of July 1944. The squadron undertook anti-shipping and mine-laying missions off the Norwegian coast and escorted a convoy to Russia in March 1945.

A detachment of Avengers from 856 NAS operated from Trumpeter in August and again in December 1944. These were followed by a detachment from 828 NAS from January to March 1945.

HMS Victorious

HMS Victorious embarked the Avengers of 832 NAS in January 1943 while in the US. These were ex-US Navy TBF-1s. In July 1943, Victorious undertook strikes in the Coral Sea before returning to the UK and re-equipping with Avenger I aircraft. 832 squadron disembarked Victorious in December 1943.

In December 1944, 849 NAS embarked on HMS Victorious and undertook strikes on the oil refineries at Pangkalan Brandon and Pelambang in Sumatra during January 1945. From March until 25 May 1945, aircraft from Victorious attacked airfields on the Sakishima Islands (Operations Iceberg I and Iceberg II) and Formosa (Operation Iceberg Oolong).

During the second half of July, aircraft from Victorious took part in a series of attacks on Japanese shipping, transport and airbases on Honshu and around the Inland Sea. In one notable attack in July, aircraft of 849 Squadron from Victorious located the Japanese escort carrier Kaiyo at Beppu Bay in Kyūshū and attacked her, inflicting serious damage that kept the ship out of the remainder of the war.

At the war’s end, the Avengers were left in Australia and the squadron was disbanded.

744 Naval Air Squadron

Anti-Submarine Trials and Development Unit (1951 – 1956).

751 Naval Air Squadron

751 Naval Air Squadron reformed at RNAS Machrihanish (HMS Landrail), close to Campbeltown in Argyll and Bute, Scotland, on the 22 September 1945, as a Trials Unit when 846 Naval Air Squadron disbanded and re-numbered as 751 Naval Air Squadron. The squadron was equipped with Grumman Avenger Mk.II. However, the unit only lasted just over one month and it disbanded on the 31 October 1945 at Machrihanish.

785 Naval Air Squadron

785 Naval Air Squadron formed as a Torpedo Bomber Reconnaissance training squadron at RNAS Crail (HMS Jackdaw), in Fife, Scotland, on 4 November 1940, out of the naval element of the Torpedo Training Unit RAF, from RAF Abbotsinch, in Renfrewshire. The squadron was initially equipped with Blackburn Shark, and Fairey Swordfish. In August 1941 the Blackburn Shark aircraft were withdrawn and replaced by Fairey Albacore. In December 1942 the squadron started to receive Fairey Barracuda, and by late 1943, it was providing an anti-submarine warfare course, alongside a Fairey Barracuda familiarisation course.

By the end of 1944, 785 NAS had become part of No.1 Naval Operational Training Unit and midway through the following year it started to introduce the Grumman Avenger, on 31 July 1945 when 736 Naval Air Squadron was absorbed. Later, the squadron also absorbed 711 and 786 Naval Air Squadrons, during December. 785 Naval Air Squadron disbanded on 1 March 1946.

820 Naval Air Squadron

In September 1944, the 820 NAS re-equip with 21 Grumman Avenger Mk.Is, which were soon replaced by Avenger Mk.IIs, after which the squadron embarked in HMS Indefatigable on the 21st of November for passage to Ceylon. As part of the 2nd Naval Strike Wing during the first half of 1945, the squadron was involved in a successful series of raids, bombing the oil refineries at Palembang on Sumatra, followed by raids against the airfields of the Sakashima Gunto islands during March to May 1945. After becoming part of the 7th Carrier Air Group in June 1945, the squadron attacked targets in the Japanese home islands, including many in the Tokyo area, right up to VJ-Day. 820 NAS was disbanded in March 1946.

828 Naval Air Squadron

828 Squadron was re-equipped with 21 Grumman Avenger Mk.Is and Mk.IIs in January 1945, and then joined HMS Trumpeter. They transferred to HMS Implacable in March 1945, and sailed with her to Ceylon, subsequently disembarking at Trincomalee in April 1945. Implacable along with 828 Squadron then joined the 8th Carrier Air Group and carried out attacks on Truk in the Caroline Islands and later on the Japanese home islands. The carrier and its squadrons withdrew to Australia after the war, and 828 was disbanded in June 1946.

832 Naval Air Squadron

Re-equipping with 12 ex-USN Avenger TBF-1s in 01/43, while on a visit to the USA aboard HMS Victorious, the squadron passed through the Panama Canal to the Pacific. Operations were conducted from Victorious in the Coral Sea, 05/43, before transferring on 27/06 to the USS Saratoga to support landings in the Solomons.

The squadron re-embarked in Victorious in July 1943, to return home via Pearl Harbor and the Panama Canal. to re-equip with Avenger Is at RNAS Hatston (HMS Sparrowhawk) in September. It gained 4 Wildcat Vs from 1832 Squadron in January 1944, and in February embarked aboard Athene and Engadine for Ceylon, disembarking at Katukurunda on the 15th of May. Leaving the fighters behind, the squadron embarked in HMS Illustrious on the 3rd of May for a bombing raid on Sourabaya on the 17th of May. Keeping Katukurunda as a shore base, the squadron then embarked in HMS Begum on the 26th of May for 6 months, providing cover for Allied shipping, before its complement was reduced to 9 aircraft in October 1944. It returned home aboard Begum early in 1945 and disbanded on the 21st of February 1945.

845 Naval Air Squadron

845 Squadron formed at Quonset Point on the 1st of February 1943, as a TER squadron with 12 Avenger Is. During work up, the squadron remained at Quonset Point, using HMS Tracker and USS Charger for deck landing training in late April 1943, before embarking aboard HMS Chaser

from Norfolk. Virginia, on the 1st of June to provide anti-submarine cover for a convoy to the UK. Disembarking to RNAS Hatston (HMS Sparrowhawk) on the sixth of July, the squadron briefly reduced to 9 aircraft from September until November 1943.

After a transfer to Machrihanish in January 1944, the squadron joined the 31st Naval TBR Wing, intended to join HMS Victorious. In the event, boosted by the additional of a fighter flight of four Wildcats from 1832 Squadron, it was shipped aboard HMS Atheling, Engadine and the SS Strathnaver to Katukurunda in Ceylon, arriving on the 5th of April. On arrival, the fighter flight transferred to 890 Squadron.

The squadron joined HMS Illustrious in May 1944 and before the end of the month had mounted a dive bombing raid on the oil refinery and harbour at Sourabaya, Java. It transferred to the escort carrier HMS Ameer in July 1944 for anti-submarine convoy protection in the Indian Ocean, gaining a fighter flight of four Wildcat Vs on the 16th of August. The Wildcats increased to 6, but after disembarking to Colombo Racecourse in October 1944, the squadron lost 4 of its Avengers.

In February 1945, the squadron lost its fighters, and after a day aboard HMS Begum, embarked aboard HMS Empress to provide anti-submarine cover during operations against Malaya and Sumatra. Transferring to HMS Khedive to return to Ceylon from one of these missions, a detachment of four Avengers joined HMS Shah, and these were later joined by the rest of the squadron for a planned invasion of Sumatra, overtaken by the Japanese surrender. Shah brought the squadron’s personnel back to the UK in September 1945. The squadron disbanded at Gourock on the 7th of October 1945.

846 Naval Air Squadron

846 Squadron was conveyed to the United States aboard HMT Queen Elizabeth, to form at Quonset Point as a TBR unit, on the 1st of April 1943, with 12 Avenger Is. After working up at Quonset Point, Norfolk and Brunswick, it joined HMS Ravager on the 2nd of July, providing anti-submarine cover for an eastbound convoy.

Disembarking at RNAS Hatston (HMS Sparrowhawk) on the 28th July 1943, after a transit stop at Machrihanish, the squadron spent the rest of the year at various Scottish air stations. It acquired a fighter flight of four Wildcat Vs from 1832 Squadron on the 20th of December, before embarking aboard HMS Tracker on the 4th of January 1944, to provide cover for Gibraltar convoys, using Machrihanish and North Front as shore stations. In March and April 1944, the escort carrier covered Arctic convoys, and on one convoy the squadron’s aircraft attacked six U-boats outward, and another two on the return.

After Tracker was damaged in a collision on the 3rd of June 1944. the squadron disembarked. The squadron embarked in HMS Trumpeter on the 5th of July, using Hatston as a shore station, for anti-shipping and mine-laying operations off Norway. During early December 1944, four Avengers were detached to HMS Puncher. An Arctic convoy was escorted in March 1945. After VE-Day, the squadron was based ashore at a number of Scottish bases. Plans to join the British Pacific Fleet were abandoned. It was renumbered as 751 Squadron on the 22nd of September 1945.

848 Naval Air Squadron

848 Squadron was formed on the 1st of June 1943 as a TBR squadron with 12 Avenger Is at Quonset Point, after working up in the USA and Canada. Deck landing training was provided aboard the USS Charger. 848 Squadron embarked in HMS Trumpeter on the 4th of September, providing anti-submarine cover for an eastbound convoy. The squadron disembarked on the 1st of November to Belfast, but within days passed through Ayr and Grimsetter before settling at RNAS Hatston (HMS Sparrowhawk) on the 24th of November. Before the end of the year they moved to Gosport.

Posted to Manston on the 20th of April 1944 and then to Thorney Island, it operated as part of Coastal Command and provided anti-shipping and anti-submarine support for the Normandy landings.

It returned to Fleet Air Arm control to embark in HMS Formidable with an enhanced strength of 21 aircraft, providing anti-submarine cover on the way to Gibraltar. As the carrier was delayed at Gibraltar with a propeller shaft problem. the squadron flew to Dekheila in Egypt. not rc-embarking until the 27th of January 1945. Arriving in the Far East after a visit to Australia, the squadron attacked airfields in the Sakishima Gunto during April, following this by attacks on Formosa. A number of aircraft were lost during kamikaze attacks on the carrier, which also suffered damage from a serious hangar fire.

Withdrawing to Australia in June 1944 with the ship, the squadron was reduced to 15 aircraft. Re-embarking for further strikes against the Japanese home islands, VJ-Day intervened and the carrier and her squadrons returned to Australia. The squadron left its aircraft in Australia and its personnel returned home aboard HMS Victorious. 848 disbanded at Devonport on the 31st of October 1945.

849 Naval Air Squadron

849 Squadron formed at Quonset Point on the 1ft of August 1943 as a TBR squadron with 12 Avenger Is. It worked up at Quonset Point and Squantum, before joining HMS Khedive, on the 1st of November. It disembarked to Speke on the 17th of November, before moving to Grimsetter on 25/11. After submarine training at Maydown and Eglinton from the 14th of February 1944. it moved to Machrihanish on the 25th of March.

The squadron was deployed to Perranporth on the 20th of April to operate with 816 (operating Swordfish) and 850 (operating Avengers) Squadrons under Coastal Command for the period leading up to and during the Normandy landings.

Returning to Fleet Air Arm control, after several moves, the squadron embarked aboard the escort carrier HMS Rajah on the 9th of September, sailing to Ceylon, where it gained an extra nine Avenger IIs. After detaching a flight to HMS Battler in early November 1944, the squadron became part of the 2nd Naval Strike Wing on the 10th of December, with 820 Squadron, and embarked aboard HMS Victorious, from which bombing raids were carried out against the oil refineries at Pangkalan Brandon and Palembang in Sumatra during January 1945.

In March 1945 it mounted strikes against the Sakishima Gunto, attacking airfields and other shore targets. Later, Formosa was attacked, before the carrier withdrew to Australia, arriving early June. Returning to the front line aboard HMS Victorious, the squadron attacked the Japanese home islands, hitting targets in and around Tokyo, before returning to Australia in late August. At the end of the war, the aircraft were left in Australia and personnel returned to the UK aboard Victorious where the squadron disbanded on the 31st of October 1945.

850 Naval Air Squadron

850 Squadron formed at Quonset Point on the 1st of January 1943, to operate Seamews, but disbanding at the end of the month. It reformed as a TBR squadron on the 1st of September 1943 at Squantum, with 12 Avenger Is. After deck landing training aboard USS Charger, the squadron embarked in HMS Empress in February 1944, providing anti-submarine patrols for a UK convoy.

Disembarking to RNAS Lee-on-Solent (HMS Daedalus) on the 10th of April, the squadron moved to Perranporth to operate under Coastal Command with 816 and 849 Squadrons for the Normandy landings. During this time, the squadron sank one enemy merchant vessel and damaged another off the Channel Islands on the 24th of July. Moving to Limavady, in Northern Ireland. on the 1st of August, the squadron gained a fighter flight of four Wildcats, but disbanded on the 24th of December 1944, after further operations with Coastal Command.

851 Naval Air Squadron

851 Squadron was a TBR unit formed at Squantum on the 1st of October 1943. The squadron operated twelve Avenger Is, which after working up, including deck landing training on the USS Charger, embarked in HMS Shah in January 1944, and sailed for the Indian Ocean. At Katukurunda in April 1944, a flight of four Wildcats was added. The squadron alternated between this, other shore bases and the carrier. During August, three U-boats were attacked. Early in 1945, the Wildcat flight was disbanded. The squadron’s aircraft raided targets in Burma in April and May 1945 and attacked a Japanese cruiser and her escorts on the 15th of May while embarked in HMS Emperor for a week. Postwar the squadron returned home aboard Shah and was disbanded at Gourock on the 7th of July 1945.

852 Naval Air Squadron

852 Squadron formed as a TBR squadron at Squantum on the 1st of November 1943 with twelve Avenger Is. It embarked in HMS Nabob on the 11th of February 1944, disembarking to Machrihanish on the 6th of April. A fighter flight of four Wildcat Vs was added in May 1944, and the squadron re-embarked for mine-laying and anti-shipping strikes off Norway. After Nabob was torpedoed by U-354 in August 1944, the squadron transferred to HMS Trumpeter on the 10th of September. 852 NAS disbanded on the 17th of October 1944.

853 Naval Air Squadron

853 Squadron formed at Squantum as a TBR squadron on the 1st of February 1943 with 12 Avenger lIs, and after working up joined HMS Arbiter on the 31st of May 1944 and sailed for the UK. Meanwhile, a fighter flight of 4 Wildcat Vs had formed at Eglinton, although this disbanded after ten days aboard HMS Formidable in June 1944. A new fighter flight formed with four Wildcat VIs in September 1944, ready for the squadron to join HMS Tracker on the 12th of September, to escort an Arctic convoy. The squadron transferred to HMS Queen on the 27th of January 1945, for operations off Norway, followed by further Arctic convoy duty, with RNAS Hatston (HMS Sparrowhawk) as a shore base. 853 NAS disbanded on the 30th of May 1945.

854 Naval Air Squadron

854 Squadron Formed at Squantum on the 1st of January 1944 as a TBR squadron with 12 Avenger IIs. After working up it embarked in HMS Indomitable on the 10th of April and disembarking to Machrihanish on the 1st of May 1944. Onthe 23rd of May, the squadron was assigned to Coastal Command as part of 157 Wing at Hawkinge and then at Thorney Island during the Normandy landings.

Returning to the Fleet Air Arm at RNAS Lee-on-Solent (HMS Daedalus) on the 27th of August, the aircraft were left behind and personnel embarked in HMS Activity on the 7th of September for Ceylon, where they worked up with Avenger Is on arrival at Katukurunda on the 11th of October.

Re-equipped with older aircraft, the squadron joined HMS Illustrious on the 1st of December, bombing targets in Sumatra throughout December 1944 and January 1945, with attacks on the Sakishima Gunto during March and April 1945. The following month, the squadron disembarked. losing its aircraft. It received Avenger IIIs at Nowra in July 1945. 854 NAS disbanded on its return to the UK on the 8th of December 1945.

855 Naval Air Squadron

855 Squadron’s very short history started on the 1st of February 1944, when it formed at Squantum with 12 Avenger IIs, which embarked on the 6th of May aboard HMS Queen for the UK. Disembarking to Hawkinge, the squadron was immediately assigned to 157 Wing, Coastal Command, to cover the Normandy landings. It was disbanded on the 19th of October 1944 at Machrihanish.

856 Naval Air Squadron

856 Squadron Forming at Squantum as a TBR squadron on the 1st of March 1945 with 12 Avenger IIs. It embarked in HMS Smiter in June 1944. On arrival, the squadron received anti-submarine training at Machrihanish, Maydown and Eglinton, while detachments were sent to RNAS Hatston (HMS Sparrowhawk), HMS Nabob and HMS Trumpeter, before regrouping aboard HMS Puncher on the 13th of September, for operations off Norway. A fighter flight of 4 Wildcat VIs had been formed 3 days earlier, and a further 4 were added later. During April to May 1945, Premier escorted Arctic convoys, returning after VE-Day.

857 Naval Air Squadron

857 Squadron formed at Squantum as a TBR squadron on the 1st of April 1944, with twelve Avenger Is and IIs, which embarked aboard HMS Rajah on the 29th of June. Disembarking to Belfast on the 13th of July, the squadron received another nine Avengers. ready for anti-submarine training at Machrihanish. It re-embarked on the 9th of September for Ceylon, where after a spell ashore at Coimbatore and Katukurunda, it embarked in HMS Indomitable on the 27th of November. Through the rest of the winter, using the carrier and Nowra as a shore station, the squadron attacked targets in Sumatra, including Belawan Deli, Pangkalan Brandan and Palembang, before moving to targets in the Sakashima Gunto and Formosa in the spring. After this, the squadron reduced to 15 aircraft, but returned to the Far East after VJ-Day to operate against Japanese suicide boats off Hong Kong on the 31st of August and 1st of September. Leaving its aircraft in Australia, the squadron returned home.

RNAS Crail (HMS Jackdaw)

RNAS Culdrose (HMS Seahawk)

RNAS Hatston (HMS Sparrowhawk)

RNAS Lee-on-Solent (HMS Daedalus)

Development and Experimental use of Grumman Avengers

US Based Avengers During Training and Pre-Delivery

Miscellaneous and Unidentified Avengers