Grumman Hellcats of 1844 Naval Air Squadron
1844 NAS formed at RNAS Eglington on 15. December 1943 as a single seater fighter squadron with 10 Hellcat Is, as part of the 5th Naval Fighter Wing. In February 1944 it took passage in HMS Begum for the Far East, and after work-up in southern India embarked in HMS Indomitable in JuIy to provide fighter cover and photographic reconnaissance during attacks the following month on Indaroeng and Emma Haven in Sumatra. Similar work was carried out in September during bombing attacks on Sigli, and in October fighter cover was given during attacks on Car Nicobar.
After a period ashore the squadron re-embarked for operations in December on oil installations at Belawan Deli in Sumatra. In January 1945 airfields and shore targets were attacked at Pangkalan Brandan, and later in the month oil refineries were attacked at Palembang. Sailing to Australia, where 1844 NAS received 18 Hellcat IIs, the ship then retuned north for attacks on the Sakishima Gunto group of islands in the East China Seas, and also on Formosa, Further planned operations in August 1945 were cancelled following the Japanese surrender, and after discarding its airsoft in Australia the squadron sailed for the UK, where it disbanded on arrival on 30. November 1945.