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Hawker Hurricanes I Yugoslav Royal Air Force RYAF in flight 1941 01

Hawker Hurricane in Yugoslav Service

Hawker Hurricane in Yugoslav Service

Yugoslavia placed an order for Hawker Hurricane Mk.I fighters in 1937, with along with a licence for local production by Zmaj. At the time of the Nazi invasion in April 1941, a total of 41 Hurricanes were operated by the Royal Yugoslav Air Force (VVKJ). During the invasion, all were either destroyed or captured.

In mid-1944, two squadrons, 351 and 352 were raised in Libya to train Yugoslav pilots for the Allied Balkan Air Force. Initially these operated Hawker Hurricane IIC fighters, with standard RAF camouflage and markings, although the red centre was overpainted with a red star. Before operations commenced in Italy, 351 Squadron had its aircraft replaced with Hurricane Mk. IVs while 352 Squadron’s were replaced with Supermarine Spitfire Mk. Vs.