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Hawker Sea Fury FB.11 WG565, McCall Field, Calgary, after last Canadian flight of type by Flying Officer Garrison 1 April 1957

Hawker Sea Fury in Canadian Service

Hawker Sea Fury in Canadian Service

The Royal Canadian Navy acquired 74 Hawker Sea Fury FB.11 fighter bombers for operation from HMCS Magnificent. An additional FB. Mk.X was taken onto the books for administrative purposes when it was being used on cold weather trials by Britain.

Two Canadian squadrons operated the Sea Fury, No. 803 and No. 883 Squadrons, which were later renumbered as No. 870 and No. 871 Squadrons.

The Sea Furies were operated from 1948 to 1956 when they were replaced by the McDonnell F2H Banshee.

For an excellent history of the Hawker Sea Fury in Canadian service, see SilverHawkAuthor’s Canadian Warplanes 5: Hawker Sea Fury by Harold Skaarup.

HMCS Magnificent

Land Base Sea Furies