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Hawker Sea Hurricane I V6733 aboard CAM ship SS Empire Darwin

Hawker Sea Hurricane Mk IA Hurricat

Sea Hurricane Mk IA

The Hawker Sea Hurricane Mk IA was a Hurricane Mk I modified by General Aircraft Limited. They were modified to be carried by CAM ships (catapult armed merchantman). These were cargo ships equipped with a catapult for launching an aircraft, but without facilities to recover them. Thus, if the aircraft were not in range of a land base, pilots were forced to bail out and be picked up by the ship. They were informally known as “Hurricats”.
The majority of the aircraft modified had suffered wear-and-tear from serving with front-line squadrons, so much so that at least one example used during trials broke up under the stress of a catapult launching. A total of 50 aircraft were converted from Hurricane Mk Is. CAM launched Hurricanes were used on eight operational sorties and the Hurricanes shot down six enemy aircraft, for the loss of one Hurricane pilot killed. The first Sea Hurricane IA kill was an Fw 200C Condor, shot down on 2 August 1941.


Loading Sea Hurricanes onto Their Catapults

CAM Ships in Port

CAM Ships at Sea
