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Sea Hurricane Mk. Ilc of 835 Squadron takes off in the Irish Sea c. November 1943

Hawker Sea Hurricane Mk IIC

Hawker Sea Hurricane Mk IIC

The Hawker Sea Hurricane Mk IIC was a navalised version of the Hurricane Mk IIC equipped with catapult spools, an arrester hook and full naval avionics. A total of 400 Hurricane Mk IICs originally intended for the Royal Air Force were converted to Sea Hurricane Mk IICs.

A total of 18 Fleet Air Arm squadrons operated the Sea Hurricane Mk IIC from December 1943. Number 835 Squadron was the last to operate them in September 1944 when they were replaced by Grumman Martlets (F4F Wildcat).

Photographs of Hawker Sea Hurricane Mk IIC Fighters Operated by the Fleet Air Arm

HMS Argus

HMS Chaser

835 Squadron operated Sea Hurricane Mk IIC fighters from HMS Chaser from 6 November 1943 until 30 December 1943.

HMS Nairana

835 Squadron operated Sea Hurricane Mk IIC fighters from HMS Nairana from 30 December 1943 until September 1944.

HMS Striker

824 Composite Naval Air Squadron operated Sea Hurricane Mk IIC fighters from HMS Striker from 27 October 1943 until 27 June 1944.

HMS Vindex

825 NAS operated Hawker Sea Hurricane Mk IIC fighters from aboard HMS Vindex from August 1943 until September 1944.