Commissioned on 30 June 1945, HMS Ocean R68 was a Colossus-class aircraft carrier of the Royal Navy.
On 3 December 1945, a Sea Vampire flown by Eric “Winkle” Brown made the first ever carrier landing of a purely jet-powered aircraft onto Ocean (although earlier that year a composite jet and piston engined Ryan FR-1 Fireball had made a carrier landing under jet power after its radial engine failed.)
Ocean twice deployed to Korea, firstly from May to October 1952 and then from May to November 1953. In August 1952 a formation of Hawker Sea Fury aircraft from the carrier engaged North Korean MiG-15 jets in air combat, shooting one down.
HMS Ocean had a significant role in the Suez crisis. In the first ever large-scale helicopter borne assault, Westland Whirlwind and Bristol Sycamore helicopters from Ocean and HMS Theseus landed 425 men of 45 Commando and 23 tons of stores into Port Said in 90 minutes.
She went into extended reserve in 1958 and was scrapped in 1962 at Faslane.
HMS Ocean seen in 1951HMS Ocean seen in 1945HMS Ark Royal, HMS Albion and HMS OceanHMS OceanHMS OceanHMS OceanHMS OceanHMS OceanHMS OceanHMS OceanHMS Ocean1956 HMS Ocean seen from HMS Theseus at Valletta, MaltaHMS Ocean at anchor in the ClydeHMS Ocean at Malta’s Grand Harbour June 1948
HMS Ocean Korean War
HMS Ocean taking part in raids on Pyongyang 11 July 1952HMS Ocean taking part in raids on Pyonyang 11 July 1952HMS Ocean on passage between Korea and JapanHMS Ocean taking part in raids on Pyongyang 11 July 1952HMS Ocean off North Korea 11 July 1952HMS Ocean and Canadian destroyer Nootka re-fuelling from the Royal Fleet Auxiliary Wave Prince after attacks on Pyongyang 11 July 1952HMS Belfast approaching HMS Ocean to transfer Rear Admiral Scott-Moncrieff Flag Officer Second in Command Far East Station
Aircraft Operations
de Havilland Sea Vampire
First jet to land a carrier, de Havilland Sea Vampire on HMS Oceande Havilland Vampire landing on HMS Ocean.De Havilland Sea Vampire and Captain BrownDe Havilland Sea Vampire Mk.10 takes off from HMS Ocean, 3 December 1945Winkle Brown and the DH.100 Sea Vampire fly past HMS Ocean.
Fairey Firefly
A Fairey Firefly lands on HMS Ocean during prior to joining 2nd Aircraft Carrier Squadron at Malta August 1954A Firefly of 825 Squadron landing on HMS Ocean on return from attacking enemy targets.10 July 1952A Fairey Firefly Mark IV FR from 825 Naval Air Squadron flying a reconnaissance mission from HMS Ocean along the eastern seaboard of KoreaThe pilot of a Firefly of 825 Squadron after landing on HMS Ocean on return from attacking enemy targets. 10 July 1952HMS Ocean with Fairey Fireflies and Hawker Sea Furies on deckSea Furies and Fireflies ranged on the flight deck of HMS Ocean. 11 July 1952
Hawker Sea Fury
HMS Ocean with Fairey Fireflies and Hawker Sea Furies on deckLieutenant Peter Carmichael, RN, of Bayonne Valley, Anglesey, alighting from his Sea Fury aircraft on the flight deck after shooting down a MiG-15Lieutenant E Bowman, RN, a Canadian member of 898 Squadron, part of HMS Ocean’s Air Group leaves his Sea FurySea Furies and Fireflies ranged on the flight deck of HMS Ocean. 11 July 1952Hawker Sea Fury fighters of Nos 807, 810, and 898 Squadrons, stowed on HMS OCEAN 1951A Hawker Sea Fury, with RATOG (Rocket Assisted Take Off Gear), taking off from the carrier HMS Ocean in Sasebo Harbour, JapanHawker Sea Fury landing on HMS OceanHawker Sea Fury crash on HMS OceanHawker Sea Fury crash on HMS OceanHawker Sea Fury crash on HMS Ocean
Supermarine Sea Otter
Supermarine Sea Otter taxis into a pick up position alongside HMS Ocean August 1954