Kawanishi N1K2-J Shiden-Kai
Developed from the Kawanishi N1K1-J Shiden, the N1K2-J addressed the major defects present in its predecessor, primarily the mid-mounted wing and long landing gear. The wing was lowered, thereby shortening the landing gear, while the fuselage was lengthened and the tail unit redesigned. The design changes resulted in a lightening of the fighter by 250 kg.
Despite its continued reliability issues, the Homare engine was retained as there was no alternative available. Armament was maintained at four 20mm cannon all located in the wings. First flying on 1 January 1944, it was named Shiden-Kai (kai meaning modified), while the Allies maintained the code-name George.
A total of 406 Kawanishi K1N2-J Shiden-Kai fighters were built.

Kawanishi N1K2-J Shiden-Kai in US Markings