Designed as a reconnaissance floatplane the Parnall Peto was intended to be launched from British Royal Navy submarines. The first of two prototypes, N181 first flew on 4 June 1925. Unfortunately it crashed during trials on 11 February 1930, but was rebuilt with aluminium floats replacing the original wooden ones and a 169 hp Armstrong Siddeley Mongoose engine replacing the 128 Bristol Lucifer. In its new form it received the serial N255.
The N181/N255 was trialed on the submarine HMS M2 which was fitted with a catapult and hanger. Unfortunately M2 was lost with all hands along with the Peto.
A second Peto N182 was added to the test program but it crashed on 29 June 1930.
Parnall PetoParnall Peto N181The first Parnall Peto, at Yate, powered by a 135 hp Armstrong Siddeley Mongoose IIICParnall Peto N181Parnall Peto N181 fitted with duralumin floats, and powered by a 135 hp Armstrong Siddeley Mongoose, circa, late 1920sParnall Peto N181Parnall Peto N255 (the rebuilt N181)Parnall Peto N182Parnall Peto N182The second Parnall Peto has been modified here to have duralumin floats with water rudders an enlarged fin and rudder and a 135 hp Armstrong Siddeley Mongoose engineThe second Parnall Peto, N182, showing the Warren girder system of interplane bracing, early style floats and Bristol Lucifer engineOn its dolly at Felixstowe, the second prototype Parnall Peto (N 182) has earlier type floats without water rudders, and the engine is a three-cylinder Bristol Lucifer radial.On its dolly at Felixstowe, the second prototype Parnall Peto (N 182) has earlier type floats without water rudders, and the engine is a three-cylinder Bristol Lucifer radial.Parnall Peto on HMS M2HM Submarine M.2 at Gibraltar, with Peto NI8I standing at the end of its catapultParnall Peto on HMS M2Preparing to launch a Parnall Peto from submarine HMS M2Parnall Peto on HMS M2Launching a Parnall Peto from submarine HMS M2The Parnall Peto on HMS M2The Parnall Peto on HMS M2Following a flight the Peto is hoisted back on board HMS M2Preparing to launch a Parnall Peto from submarine HMS M2Preparing to launch a Parnall Peto from submarine HMS M2