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Piaggio P.108B

Piaggio P.108 Italian Heavy Bomber

Piaggio P.108 Italian Heavy Bomber

The Piaggio P.108 was an Italian four-engined heavy bomber of World War Two. First flying in 1939 and entering service in 1941, only around 24 Piaggio P.108Bs were produced. A single P.108A anti-shipping version with a 90mm cannon.

The P.108C was a civilian transport while the P.108T was a specialised military transport. Many of the civil aircraft were modified for military use, with around 6 civil and 12 military types produced.

The German Luftwaffe operated nine P.108T transports.


P.108 Production and Maintenance

P.108A Artigliere Anti-Shipping

P.108B Bombardiere Heavy Bomber

P.108C Civile Civil Transport

P.108A Artigliere In German Service

P.108T Trasporto In German Service

P.108 Internal Detail

P.108 Captured by US Forces