Royal Aircraft Factory F.E.4

Royal Aircraft Factory F.E.4

Royal Aircraft Factory F.E.4

The Royal Aircraft Factory (RAF) F.E.4 was intended as a ground attack aircraft armed with a 1.5 pounder COW gun and 3 × .303 in Lewis guns. Two prototypes were built but performed poorly under evaluation and were not developed further.

The first prototype was armed with a 1.5 pounder (37mm) COW gun and 2× .303 in Lewis guns in a forward cockpit with a pilot and gunner, while an additional .303 in Lewis gun was manned by a gunner in a separate rear cockpit. The second aircraft did not have the rear cockpit, instead intending to place the gunner in an elevated section above the wings. This was never installed.

Although designs were made for alternative engines, none were proceeded with.