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S.N.C.A.C. NC.223

S.N.C.A.C. NC.223

S.N.C.A.C. NC.223

The S.N.C.A.C. NC.223 was a member of the Farman F.220 series and differed from its predecessor, the F.222 by having a twin tail and more powerful engines. By this time the Farman company had been absorbed into S.N.C.A.C. as part of the French nationalisation of the aircraft industry. The initial bomber version the NC.223.3 (eight built) was followed by the NC.2233 of which 15 were built.

Four airliner version were built as the S.N.C.A.C. NC.2234 for Air France.

S.N.C.A.C. NC.223.3 / NC.2333 Bombers

S.N.C.A.C. NC.223.4 Mail Planes

S.N.C.A.C. NC-2234