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Savoia-Marchetti SM.86

Savoia-Marchetti SM.86

Savoia-Marchetti SM.86

The Savoia-Marchetti SM.86 was derived from the Savoia-Marchetti SM.85 It first flew on 8 April 1939 fitted with 447 kW (600 hp) Walter Sagitta inline engines of Czechoslovakian manufacture. This was a totally new aircraft, only marginally similar to the previous SM.85.

The SM.86 was evaluated at Guidonia in 1939, but in April 1940, an order for 97 of them was cancelled, despite the necessity to equip a wing with dive bombers. Although the SM.86 showed an overall improvement in performance, only one was eventually built. It was used over Malta and Greece, because Savoia-Marchetti hoped to receive a contract for this new aircraft. Even though the test aircraft was downed (by a Ju 87), the aircraft project was continued despite the lack of any official interest until 1941, when it was terminated.