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808 Squadron Seafire III with a centreline 500-pound bomb flies off HMS Khedive in August 1944a

Supermarine Seafire F Mk III

Supermarine Seafire F Mk III

The Supermarine Seafire F Mk III was a development of the previous F Mk II, itself a modified version of the Spitfire VC. It was powered by either the Merlin 55 (for the F Mk III and FR Mk III) or 55M (for the L Mk III optimised for low level performance) engine driving a four-bladed propeller.

The Seafire F Mk III was produced by Supermarine, Westland Aircraft and Cunliffe Owen, with a total of 1,264 aircraft built.

The Seafire F Mk.III first saw combat in November 1942 during Operation Torch, the Allied invasion of North Africa. It also participated in the invasions of Sicily, Italy, Normandy and Southern France, providing air cover and ground attack support for the landing forces.

While serving with the British Pacific Fleet it proved to be an effective interceptor against Japanese kamikaze attacks. It was involved in several major battles, such as Okinawa, Formosa and Sakishima Gunto.

The Seafire F Mk III was retired from service after the war, although 12 refurbished aircraft were used by the Irish Air Corps until 1960.

HMS Ameer

Match 21st 1944; Seafire MB215 floated over all the arrestor the wires, hit the barrier and overturned, the pilot, Sub Lt R.G. Hallas, was unharmed
Match 21st 1944; Seafire MB215 (a Mk.IIC) floated over all the arrestor the wires, hit the barrier and overturned, the pilot, Sub Lt R.G. Hallas, was unharmed. Note the F.Mk.IIIC Seafires behind.

HMS Atheling

HMS Attacker

HMS Battler

HMS Colossus

Hard landing for a Supermarine Seafire on HMS Colossus
Hard landing for a Supermarine Seafire on HMS Colossus

HMS Furious

HMS Hunter

Seafire F.Mk.IIC of No.807 Squadron
Seafire F.Mk.IIIC of No.807 Squadron

HMS Illustrious

HMS Implacable

HMS Indefatigable

HMS Khedive

HMS Ravager

HMS Smiter

HMS Vengeance

HMS Victorious