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Tachikawa Ki-94 I Mock-up

Tachikawa Ki-94 I

Tachikawa Ki-94 I

The Tachikawa Ki-94 I was a twin-boom fighter with two 1,641 kW (2,201 hp) Mitsubishi Ha211 18-cylinder engines, driving two 4-blade propellers in a push-pull configuration. The very heavy armament that should have been mounted on the aircraft (two 37mm and two 30 mm in cannon, should have been enough to make short work of most US heavy bombers of the era. Notwithstanding the outstanding prospective performance, which however was judged as “unduly optimistic” by the technical department of the Japanese Army Air Force, this design was judged too complex by the technical department and the design was discarded. It did not proceed past the mock-up stage.