Well That’s it for us. Have had enough abuse from Social Media (particularly Reddit). Site will run until current subscription expires. Had just hoped to share pictures and our travels with people . Was also a great help with my mental health, but just can’t take the shit anymore. Enjoy the existing pages while they last.
Turkish Battlecruiser CGT Yavuz
Turkish Battlecruiser CGT Yavuz
CGT Yavuz was a German Moltke -class battlecruiser launched in 1911 as SMS Goeben. Operating in the Mediterranean at the start of World War One, she bombarded French targets before making her way to Constantinople. She was transferred to the Ottoman Navy on 16 August 1914, being renamed Yavuz Sultan Selim. During a sorte in January 1918, Yavuz sank the British monitors HMS Raglan and M28, but was later badly damaged when she hit three mines.
In 1936 she was renamed CGT Yavuz. Decommissioned in 1950, Yavuz was scrapped in 1973.
TCG Yavuz Sultan SelimTCG Yavuz Sultan SelimJanuary 20, 1918 TCG Yavuz Sultan Selim aground in the Dardanelles after hitting three minesJanuary 20, 1918 TCG Yavuz Sultan Selim aground in the Dardanelles after hitting three minesYavuz aground off Cape Nara, February 1918Yavuz being dismantled in Makina ve Kimya Endüstrisi
External Detail
Starboard side view of the Turkish battlecruiser TCG YavuzTCG Yavuz Sultan SelimTCG Yavuz Sultan Selim Photograph taken at Gölcük, TurkeyTCG Yavuz Sultan Selim Photograph taken at Gölcük, TurkeyName plate on stern, port sideView of ‘X’ turret from the roof of ‘Y’ turretView to starboard from port, showing clutter in front of after funnel structureView of ‘X’ turret from the roof of ‘Y’ turretView of fore-funnel from aftView froward from port side abaft davits.View frorward from the central bridge, showing the rangefinder.View from starboard side of ‘X’ turretView forward from starboard sideView forward from starboard sideView forward from starboard sideView forward from port sideView forward from gangway aftView forward from amidshipsView forward from abreast of rear of funnelView aft showing starboard bridge wing extensionView aft of starboard wing turretView aft from ‘X’ turretView aft from port wing of the bridgeView aft from forecastleView aft from amidships, port sideView aft from aftermost casemateView aft from abreast of forward funnel (port side)Twin 280 mm turret of the TCG Yavuz Sultan SelimView aft from starboard side (forward).Foremast, showing forward funnel. Photograph taken at Gölcük, Turkey.Possibly rear of the deck housePort wing turret with galley funnel in the foregroundMain derrick from starboard sideMain derrick from starboard sideCapstan under ‘A’ turret.Canisters in torpedo flatBridge structure taken from port side abaft fore funnelBridge from the port beamBridge and rear of A turretBase of deckhouseAfter rangefinder
Admiral’s Cabin
Centre of forward wall of Admiral’s cabinAdmiral’s writing room – starboard side, forward of day cabin, forward wallAdmiral’s day cabin – rear and starboard wallsAdmiral’s day cabin – forward and starboard walls
Casement Gun Detail
View forward of aftermost casemate and gunView forward of aftermost casemate and gunClose up view of breech of casemate gun.Casemate gun; standing side view of the areaCasemate gun; low angle viewCasemate gun; low angle side view of the area from forward endCasemate gun; general view of the area
X Turret Detail
Rangefinder on the top of ‘X’ turretSighting observation hood of X turret from the edge of the turret.Casemate gun; general view of the areaStarboard gun, Samson (X) turret. Breech open, floorplate down, charge tray outStarboard gun, Samson (X) turret. Breech open, floorplate down, charge and shell trays outStarboard gun, Samson (X) turret. Breech closed, showing ram (cleaning)Starboard gun, Samson (X) turret. Breech closed, shell tray out – side viewSamson (X) turret. Space beneath port gun.Samson (X) turret. Control island between gunsPort gun, Samson (X) turret. Underside of breech showing recoil cylinder.Starboard gun, Samson (X) turret. Breech open, floorplate up, charge tray back.Close up view of breech of casemate gun.Casemate gun; standing side view of the areaCasemate gun; low angle viewCasemate gun; low angle side view of the area from forward end
Internal Detail
View of the ship’s Zentralle (next to Chart locker room)View forward from halfway up the bridge – fire control instruments in the foregroundGunnery control instrument in the conning towerView of bolier roomView of bolier room