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USS Langley CV-1

USS Langley CV-1 US Navy aircraft Carrier

USS Langley CV-1 US Navy aircraft Carrier

USS Langley (CV-1/AV-3) was the United States Navy’s first aircraft carrier, converted in 1920 from the collier USS Jupiter (Navy Fleet Collier No. 3), and also the US Navy’s first turbo-electric-powered ship.

Langley was used as an experimental aircraft carrier, developing techniques and procedures and training aircrew.

Following another conversion to a seaplane tender, Langley fought in World War II. On 27 February 1942, while ferrying a cargo of USAAF P-40s to Java, she was attacked by nine twin-engine Japanese bombers of the Japanese 21st and 23rd naval air flotillas and so badly damaged that she had to be scuttled by her escorts.

Photographs of USS Langley

USS Jupiter

USS Langley CV-1

USS Langley AV-3