Developed from the Vickers Vildebeest the Vincent was a general purpose aircraft operated by the Royal Air Force. A total of 197 were delivered, either new-built or converted from Vildebeest.
While the Vincent had started to be replaced by more modern aircraft such as the Vickers Wellesley and Bristol Blenheim bombers, 84 remained in service with the RAF on the outbreak of the Second World War. Vincents were used for bombing missions against Italian forces in the East African Campaign and for coastal patrols from Aden, one attacking the Italian submarine Galileo Galilei. Other Vincents bombed Iraqi forces during the Anglo-Iraqi War of 1941. The last frontline Vincents retired in January 1943, with the type continuing in second line service (which included pesticide spraying against locusts in Iran) until 1944.
Vickers Vincent Line DrawingVickers Vincents at Moshi, Tanganyika, 1937Vickers Vincent S1714 Vincent prototype converted from a VildebeestVickers Vincent K4105Vickers Vincent K4105Vickers Vincent K4105, the first production Vickers Vildebeest, fitted with the optional long-range fuel tank.Vickers Vincent K4105Vickers Vincent K4105Vickers Vincent K4105Vickers Vincent K4105Vickers Vincent K4126Vickers Vincent K4128Vickers Vincent K4129Vickers Vincent K4134Vickers Vincent K4139Vickers Vincent K4681 of the Aden Communications Flight, under guard at Mukeiras landing ground in Southern ArabiaVickers Vincent K4687Vickers Vincent HV-N of 8 Sqn RAFVickers Vincent K4706 HV-N of No. 8 Sqn RAFVickers Vincent K4712 HV-L of 8 Sqn RAFVickers Vincent I K6331Vickers Vincent Line-upVickers Vincent Line-upVickers Vincent FormationVickers VincentVickers VincentVickers VincentVickers VincentVickers VincentVickers VincentVickers VincentVickers VincentVickers VincentVickers Vincent Navigators CompartmentRegia Aeronautica attack on a RAF airfield at Gedaref in Sudan on 16th October, 1940 Burning Vickers Vincent airframesVickers Vincent K4107 crashedVickers Vincent Crash