Ironfest is an annual event held in Lithgow New South Wales. It showcases many genres of cosplay and historical re-enactment. The venue is the Lithgow Showgrounds which gives the event plenty of scope to place similar themes together. We found that it was easy to find a specific performance or theme, using the timetable and map provided on Ironfest’s website.
Cosplay and Steampunk at Ironfest
As you meander around Ironfest, you will meet the characters and participants that make this kind of event special. People dressed as steampunk and wastelanders predominated, although there were plenty of US Civil war veterans and Vikings.

Historical Re-Enactment at Ironfest
World War 2
In the World War Two section, Germans, Russians and American camps were all next to each other and getting on amiably. Even the French Resistance was represented. The detail in the camps was amazing and the historical accuracy is something they were all dedicated to.

Military Equipment
There was a huge section of military vehicles, from World War Two and later. There were several examples of Ferret and Saracen as well as a huge Abbot 105mm self-propelled artillery piece and an M3 Stuart tank.

Towards the rear of the show grounds was a Viking camp. Interested people were able to try out Viking chain mail and weapons. The camp was working as a real Viking setting, with cooking and cleaning done historically. Washing was demonstrated using wood ash and lots of physical effort to clean clothes. There was even a minstrel playing a lute.

US Civil War
Near the Vikings was a US Civil War camp, with both sides present. Again historical accuracy was very important from tents to equipment. The first display in the main arena involved these people demonstrating their muskets and canons in a mass firepower display. In addition to the smoke generated the noise was amazing.

Main Arena – Tourney Ground
Major activities took place in the arena. The MC was the Iron Monk, who did a fantastic job, managing to keep things reasonably on time as well as being very entertaining. After the mass firepower display, the knights demonstrated their skill at arms. This was all done on horseback as it would have been in medieval times. They used lances and swords to hit targets, including rings and cantaloupes thrown into the air.
The view from the grandstand was great with no problems being able to see the events. There was room between the grandstand and the arena, if you wanted to get closer to the action. Neither area was overcrowded and the crowd was very relaxed and enjoying themselves at Ironfest.

Later in the day the medieval foot soldiers put on a display of sword fighting. Initially as one on one and then as a large melee. They all seemed to be having fun and played the part very well.

If you weren’t keen on the historical food on offer, there was plenty of modern food stalls available. We had a fantastic time at Ironfest and can see why people keep going back each year. A great day out in Lithgow.
For other places to visit in New South Wales, please read some of our other stories.
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