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Les Darcy Statue

Les Darcy Monument Australian Boxer

Australian Boxer Les Darcy Monument

Dedicated in August 2000, the Les Darcy Monument celebrates the achievements of one of Australia’s greatest boxers. Set back from the New England Highway in a grassy park in front of the East Maitland Bowling Club, the statue can be easy to miss.

The statue stands on a marble platform, surrounded by plaques which show his achievements. A great place to relax on your way through town because of the grass and shady trees.

Sir Paul Edmund de Strzelecki Memorial

Located near the Les Darcy Memorial, the Sir Paul Edmund de Strzelecki Memorial celebrates Strzelecki, a famous explorer, scientist, and philanthropist. Erected by the local Polish community, because of his contribution to early exploration work in the area. It’s interesting to see because of Strzelecki’s contribution to early Australia.

Strzelecki Memorial East Maitland
Strzelecki Memorial East Maitland

Old Land and Survey Office

Opposite the Sir Paul Edmund de Strzelecki Memorial is the old Land and Survey Office. Placed on a corner in a prominent position, makes the building stand out, because of its size and red brick construction. Built in the Federation Free Classical style and designed by W.L Vernon, it’s an interesting building to see if you are in the area.

Old Land and Survey Office East Maitland
Old Land and Survey Office East Maitland

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