Maitland Regional Art Gallery May 2023

Maitland Regional Art Gallery May 2023

Maitland Regional Art Gallery May 2023

We revisited the Maitland Regional Art Gallery in late May 2023 and were lucky to catch two great exhibitions in their last days. It’s not often that we get to see Torres Strait art displayed in the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, Australia, this was a great opportunity.

Mir Giz Kemerkemer Opged Lam Zenadh Kes (Stories From the Eastern Islands – Torres Strait) by Toby Cedar

18 March – 28 May 2023

As a Torres Strait Islander and now Maitland local, artist Toby Cedar finds deep connection between art, community and culture. This exhibition presented works celebrating Eastern island culture with both traditional and contemporary art forms. The works covered traditional histories of masks, headdresses, myths and legends.

Tjukurpa by Rita Watson and Selinda Davidson

4 March – 28 May 2023

This exhibition is the result of a collaborative glass project between Ninuku Arts (community of First Nations Artists) and JamFactory (South Australia). A unique form of storytelling, these works not only share the stories of each artist but have also become a valued part of intergenerational learning at Ninuku.

This exhibition brings together the artworks of Rita Watson and Selinda Davidson with glass vessels as contemporary translations of their ancestral stories.

9 responses to “Maitland Regional Art Gallery May 2023”

  1. Mike and Kellye Hefner Avatar

    Fabulous! I love pottery, but in this case, I find the masks intriguing.

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Loved the masks too, something different

  2. Priti Avatar

    Beautiful artwork! Looking great 👏

  3. Walking Away Avatar

    Its an interesting mix of different first nation cultures. I just finished Munya Andrews’ book, if you have any recommendations on interesting books on the dreamings etc. I’m all ears!

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Pleased that you liked the blog. Sorry, I don’t have any suggestions for books on the dream time. I might try your suggestion though.

  4. 100 Country Trek Avatar

    Thanks for this amazing art gallery.. We visited there several years ago. Anita

    1. Destinations Avatar

      Thanks for reading Anita, please you liked it

  5. trumstravels Avatar

    wow what a great place, I love all the artwork

    1. Destinations Avatar

      It’s an interesting regional gallery. Always having new exhibitions, so we visit regularly to see what’s new. Pleased you liked it/

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