Mount Paris Dam Wall

Mount Paris Dam Wall Tasmania

Mount Paris Dam Wall

Mount Paris Dam Wall, on the Mt Paris Road, is the only surviving pillar and slab dam in Tasmania. Built across the Cascade River using only shovels and wheelbarrows in 1937, it was originally named the Morning Star Dam. An 11 Km water race connected it with the Mt Paris Mine. The mine closed in 1970 and the dam fell into disuse. A hole blasted into the 16 metre high wall in 1985 released the water, improving the flow of the Cascade River. In the middle of the dam, most of the vegetation has now grown back, the only indication it was ever any different is the dam wall which still rises starkly before you in the middle of the bush.

How to Get There

Driving from Launceston is a 90 minute drive, while Hobart is three and a half hour drive away. Our day started at St Helens and the Bay of Fires on the east coast and only took one hour. The final part of the drive on Mount Paris Dam Road is on dirt, so be careful and drive to the conditions. The drive takes you through logging areas which are re-growth managed forests, where you will see clear felled trees. You will also see the stages of re-growth where the forestry management have replanted trees for future use.

Dirt Road
Mount Paris Dam Road

Car Park and Bush Track

A small sign indicated the direction to a carpark along a small dirt track. From here, a short walk takes you to the dam wall and the Cascade River.

Bush Track
Track Down From the Car Park

The Dam Wall

The old dam wall stands in stark contrast to the forest growing around it. Now completely surrounded by tall trees and ferns, the concrete wall looks like something from a lost city. The breaches in the wall allow you to walk through to the other side, where the dam once flooded the forest. This area has also regrown so that it is hard to see where it was flooded.

What Did We Think?

This was an amazing stop which we were very pleased to have done. The dam area is quite surreal, because of its large concrete structure in the middle of a forest.

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11 responses to “Mount Paris Dam Wall Tasmania”

  1. leightontravels Avatar

    What a beautiful and surreal sight. I’d never heard of this, thanks for bringing it to my attention!

    1. Destinations Avatar

      It was an amazing place to see with a concrete wall in the middle of the Australian bush

      1. Jyothi Avatar

        Yes… looks amazing!!

  2. wetanddustyroads Avatar

    This is very interesting! You’re right, it looks a bit like a lost city between all the trees & plants – must have been quite a sight!

    1. Destinations Avatar

      It was really great to see. Especially the way it’s all overgrown

  3. kiangablog Avatar

    My husband and I just love Tassie. It was a tossup between the Apple Isle or the beautiful High Country in Victoria for our tree change. This sounds like a really interesting spot to visit. We spent a month travelling around Tassie with our two man tent in 2006 and in 2012 stayed at a friend’s old 70s beach shack at Scamander. We can’t wait for another trip over. Thanks for sharing. Lynn

    1. Destinations Avatar

      We like Tassie as the wife is from there and it’s great to get back to see family and explore. Haven’t been to the Vic high country but would like to see it sometime

      1. kiangablog Avatar

        We live near Mansfield and Mount Buller. Let us know if you ever get down this way! Snow expected overnight!

        1. Destinations Avatar

          Will do. Enjoy the snow!

          1. kiangablog Avatar

            Last day of autumn and it feels like the depths of winter! Heaps of snow about on the Victorian peaks!

          2. Destinations Avatar

            Winter has arrived here too. Cold wet and windy

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