Lake Macquarie From Munibung Hill

Munibung Hill Lake Macquarie

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Munibung Hill Lake Macquarie

Located in Lake Macquarie, Munibung Hill provides amazing views over the Lake and nearby suburbs, making it a great place to visit. There are several possibilities for the meaning of the name, being either fruit, or the meeting of the tribes.

There are several ways to reach the top, with the area having many trails, but we chose to start from Lawson Rd and walk to Lucilla Ridge where one track starts. This walk is along a dirt track, that has become badly eroded and slippery in places, so wear good walking shoes. Although some places are steep, they are also short, so take your time, it’s only a 500m walk to the top.

From the ridgeline, the views are wonderful, because the elevations allows you to see over Lake Macquarie. You are also able to look over the surrounding suburbs and remnant bushland.

A fence along the track prevents access to an old industrial site previously used as a smelter. Remediation works have been undertaken to remove the lead contamination the area, but access it still prohibited.

Unfortunately, despite the cultural heritage in the area (aboriginal and European), no signage or information boards are located here. Remember to bring water with you and wear sunscreen, as there little shade and in summer it can be very hot.

This is a fun, short walk which gives you great views over the area.

To see what else there is to do in the Hunter Valley, please see some of our other stories.

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